What To Do The Night Before Your Driving Test

6 things that can increase your chances of passing

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Here’s exactly what to do the night before your driving test.

The day of your driving test is a big day, and you want to make sure you’re prepared.

Even if you’ve probably spent weeks (or months) doing practice lessons, what you do the very night before your driving test can make or break you.

But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Below are six very specific things you need to do the night before your big day to increase your chances of passing.

Related: What To Do On The Day Of Your Driving Test

Let’s get started!

What to do the night before your driving test

1. Review your notes

If you’ve read our post about how to get your driver’s license, fast, you should have a set of really great driving notes.

Tonight is the night to review it for the final time.

Ideally, you should have been reading these notes before, but if you haven’t, it’s not too late.

Reading your notes will remind you of the little things you may have forgotten and the weaknesses you had during your practice sessions.

This makes you more aware of what you need to do and also helps you avoid making those same little mistakes.

2. Mental Rehearsal

As you read through your notes, try to visualize yourself performing every action correctly.

Visualization is a simple but powerful technique that helps to reduce anxiety, increase confidence, and practice success.

By visualizing yourself doing things like starting the car correctly, checking your mirrors, and taking the appropriate steps at road signs, you give yourself yet another chance to practice, without actually getting into a vehicle.

This is called mental rehearsal and it has been proven to enhance performance.

You can also visualize yourself passing your exam, taking your driver’s license photo, buying your first car, and doing all the other exciting things that come with driving.

Remember: Don’t visualize things going wrong, visualize them going right!

3. Pack your bags

You do not want to be late for your driving exam.

Being late can make you anxious, flustered, and more likely to make mistakes.

Instead, you want to be early enough to get settled, find out anything you need to, and be at ease.

One way to be early is to pack your bags the night before.

In your bag, you should have all the documents you need including your ID card and driver’s permit. This may vary by country and state, so be sure to do your research.

4. Wind down

After preparing everything, take time to wind down and relax. The goal of this step is to calm you down and get rid of any anxiety or fear about the upcoming exam.

How can I relax the night before my driving test?

Curious about how to actually relax the night before your driving test?

No worries, it’s a valid question.

There are many activities people consider ‘relaxing’, but aren’t really. 

Let’s face it, not everything we do during our leisure time brings genuine relaxation. Yet, on the eve of your test, real relaxation is what you’re after.

This means staying away from intense video games, loud music, dramatic videos and even avoiding some triggering conversations.

Instead, try listening to calming music, taking a stroll, staring out the window, playing a cute phone game, or soaking in a bathtub full of bubbly soap and surrounded by scented candles.

Whatever you like to do, do it. Just be sure you actually feel relaxed.

5. Set an alarm

Alarms can be annoying, sure, but we have to admit they’re useful.

Alarms help you keep track of time and prevent you from oversleeping.

Be sure to set at least three alarms for the next morning.

If you’re the kind of person who lingers in bed even after the alarm goes off, set some more for at least 5 and 10 minutes after your first alarm so you don’t end up sleeping in.

6. Go to bed early

Finally, sleep.

Often overlooked but most definitely important.

Going to bed early will not only help you be early for your exam but will help you remember what you’ve studied and give you a clear head the next day.

If you’re used to going to bed late, this step can be hard, we know.

To help make the process easier, try the following tips:

  1. Make a to-do list of only the most important tasks you want to do before bed. This might include picking an outfit (something comfy), reviewing your notes, dinner, showering, and packing your bag. Whatever it is, just be sure it is something you absolutely have to get done that night.  Anything else can wait.
  2. Avoid playing mobile games, getting on social media, or doing anything that tends to suck you into a different world for hours.
  3. Try to have an early dinner and a cup of warm, soothing tea that will help you fall asleep faster.
  4. Stay off your devices as bedtime approaches. The blue light from your devices can disrupt your sleep by suppressing the production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone.

How long should you sleep before the driving test?

We know that quality sleep is essential for your best performance.

But how much is enough?

Science recommends you aim for a solid 7 to 9 hours of sleep to ensure you’re well-rested and mentally alert on the big day. 

Related: What To Do On The Day Of Your Driving Test